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15 Deckers countered through submitting declarations from four professionals in the footwear industry who stated that "UGG" is widely recognized in the industry as a brand name, not a generic term and provided the court with survey evidence supporting that consumers in the US consider UGG to be a brand name; among women aged 18 to 45 who had purchased footwear valued over $100 in the last 12 months, 58% believed UGG was a brand name while only 11% thought it generic. Kids Ugg Boots Sale “I was only twenty-two, and I knew I wasn’t ready to run a real company,” he said. Just after Christmas that year, Joanne and Abdulfattah were married in St. Stylish enough for work, rugged enough for play. [Kids Ugg Boots Sale] The imputing even extended to gussying up Jobs and Wozniak.
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